About The Artist

I believe that every object should have equal parts art, and function. Through my work, I look for ways to bring art into everyday life. I work mainly with clothing and lighting to create dual-purpose items, but am constantly looking to expanding my skills to create more complex functional objects and systems. I find myself attempting to emulate the euphoric feeling that I receive by "living" in a foreign world as I watch movies. While my work is always exploratory and changing as a second-year studio artist, I gravitate towards the idea of working in Hollywood to design movie sets after college.

Dinner Film, 2023

watch it here

Self Portrait, oil on wood, 2022

I created this piece my senior year of high school in AP Art as a continuation of my study on social anxiety and how it feels to be perceived. I consider this piece the most important in my career thus far because it allowed me to discover my love for art with a function. In this piece particularly, I tried to solve the problem of creating a neon sign that would look good both lit, and unlit through the use of mixed media.

Spring Cleaning, oil on wood, 2023

After my initial fascination with light my senior year, I seeked to create a neon-esque sign using light in a more effective way. This piece was inspired by both the Space Age, as well as the pop artist, Roy Lichtenstein to merge the worlds of realism, and cartoonism into one.

Untitled, cotton bed skirts, 2021

What began as a test of my self-taught sewing skills as a 17 year old, turned into an exploration of imitation and what it means to be an imposer. With a simple sketch and no pattern, I attempted to recreate a high class dress using ten dollars worth of children's bed curtains found at the thrift store. While the end result is gorgeous, it feels out of place in my possession as someone who would never be able to afford something like this if I had not made it on my own. This piece sparked my interest in movies, especially the concept of successfully imitating a life that you are not living.

Daydream, 54" x 36", oil on canvas, 2022

As a continuation with my AP art portfolio, this piece focuses on constant daydreaming and living in your own head. I utilized the contrast of real and imaginary to include a mixture of both realistic, and impressionistic techniques.

Vulnerable, mixed media, 2022

This work was my first successful use of mixed on clothing. I like to think of clothing as a walking canvas to express yourself through art, hence, why I was so fascinated with selling one of a kind pieces through my brand. With my interest between subject and function, I believe that externally displaying organs and bones on someone as they wear this piece was an interesting way for my art to interact with the individual, and allow them to become a walking art piece.

clothing exploration , 2021

I consider this piece more of a concept of my interests rather than a finished product. This work in particular was entirely created from discarded material to imitate ocean pollution. Though the finished product is not my favorite, I fell in love with the concept of art/clothing interacting with the body such as the tentacles wrapping around the dress form to hold on.